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About Gilberto

I initiated my professional training as a body-mind educator in 1985 with Ilana Rubenfeld at the Rubenfeld Synergy Institute (RSI) in NYC.  After graduating as a Rubenfeld Synergy practitioner in 1988, I was accepted into the teaching intern program at the RSI, to train as a Rubenfeld Synergy instructor.  I started my private practice as a body-mind educator in NYC in 1988 and I finished the teaching intern program in 1991.

While studying the Rubenfeld Synergy Method I continued my practice of Tai Chi Chuan, at the New York School of Tai Chi Chuan.  Movement and dance have been a passion in my life.  During the ten years I lived in New York City, I took advantage of the many classes, trainings and workshops offered in and around New York State.  I specially remember Contact Improvisation retreats in Northhampton (MA) and Tai Chi Chuan camps in Vermont during the summers.  During that time I also apprenticed for two years with a New York Gestalt Institute therapist and took psycho-drama seminars with one of Jacob Moreno’s students.

In 1991 I returned to Panama City.   Since then, I have coached individuals interested in overcoming physical impediments to movement.  Some of my students come after they realize that traditional approaches to regaining their mobility are not working.  Other students approach me because they are interested in Tai Chi Chuan.  A few have heard about the Feldenkrais Method or the Alexander Technique as a means to regain body-mind  harmony.  Part of my work has been coaching, those interested in learning more about body awareness and maintenance, about the importance of the inter-relation of body, mind and emotions.

I call my coaching approach Body Mind Integration.  I use guided movement, touch, imagery and dialogue to facilitate the innate potential of individuals to grow and learn from obstacles encountered in life.

Currently I live in Boquete, Chiriqui (Republic of Panama) surrounded by lush landscape and a creative community.  In this revitalizing environment, I continue to learn and grow from daily challenges.  One of my current challenges is establishing a Body Mind Training Dojo here in Boquete.